Chaos's Graph Paper Art

i keep trying to find a glass like this, so, until then,
i draw them.

another wine glass, this time with surreal colours.

a reverse sierpinski triangle (sort of). i like fractals

this is a little hard to see, so look at it for a minute.
it's a pyramid with sierpinski triangles on the top four faces.

i was taking a break from something else i was drawing, and decided to just knock off a quick fractal... doh.
i drew a lot of spheres my senior year, and these three are my

sphere containing a cube

ribboned sphere

hemisphere with ridges
full-page drawings are always fun, but most of them wind up somewhat
confusing when viewed from outside of my brain. here are two that i
think worked:

lots of little spheres stacked

marbles in a maze

cube with raised and lowered surfaces. coloured pens are fun!